2012 was amazing! The second half, lets be real the first half I was pregnant, my children were raised by Dora and Diego and cheerios. But it ended with a bang! I love this year. I love my LIFE! I love my babies and I love being married to the Professor Man.
A quick sum up 2012
January 2012
Found out we were having a baby!
(In a target bathroom, I couldn't wait till I got home and I really needed to pee. I even hid from my friend in the store because I was afraid I would blow the surprise)
Jocelyn proclaimed her undying love for Phineas, Sammy and Bryce
We threw a New Years Eve Party that was amazing!
I was in a minor car accident (a guy bumped into me at a stop sign) I was fine but my doctor insisted on a prescription of eight massages. I have a new best friend her name is Kona and she works at Healing Spirit Body Therapies and she made the next few months possible.
I went through two prescriptions of Zofran.

I was still sick
Craved doughnuts
I lived on the couch watched every episode of lots of stuff
More Zofran.
Turned 29 and have no memory of what we did.

It snowed in our backyard and we went sledding a few times, I think this is only picture I took the whole month it was sort of a blur.

It got a little warmer

But not really
I started to feel better

I started painting the trees in the playroom

With help

It snowed a ton right before spring break and Jocelyn and I experience our first snow day

We took a mini break to the coast for Spring break

It was beautiful
Oh and Jocelyn got bangs
Oh and Jocelyn got bangs