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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Miss Brooke the Animal Rescuer!

It was awesome. She is awesome. The theme was Animal Rescuers! AKA Diego. We had a good time. They say that something magical happens at three and its true. All of a sudden I don't have a baby anymore or even a toddler, she is like a pre-preschooler, with thoughts and opinions! Oh my does she have opinions on what she wants to wear, which cup she will drink out of, and which car seat she will sit in (not my favorite). 

But she is still so snugly, just yesterday she curled up next to me on the couch and fell asleep. Her speech is improving daily! And she is saying more and more words and short phrases! She goes number one in the toilet like a champ and is dry all night, number two however she likes to save for climbing structures at the park or the pizza parlor. She is so good at gymnastics and wants to swim like a fish, but is nervous around big swings or moving toys, like mechanical horses and such. Okay now on to the party.
We went on an Animal Rescuer Adventure! to save baby Jaguar from the Bobo Monkeys (played by Ben with a blown up drawing of the Bobo brothers, which I did myself)
We crossed an alligator swamp, identified different animal tracks and pinned the spot on the baby jaguar which eventually led us to the Bobo's monkey cave (bounce house). It was a really rocking party, and I didn't move for three days afterward, but Brooke loved it and felt special which is what birthday parties are all about!


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