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Monday, January 4, 2010

pirate vs ninja

Are you a Pirate or a Ninja? In “certain” circles there is a great debate on who would win in a fight. My vote would be Ninja, sure Pirates have guns and cannons, but a Ninja would kill you in your sleep. However I would rather be a pirate. Watch 1 ninja vs several pirates here.

I am a pirate. For the following reasons:

· I love the renaissance fair and have a secret desire to become a member of fair-folk and frolic around as a wench.
· Pirates of the Caribbean is my favorite ride at Disneyland both before and after they added Jack Sparrow and Barbarossa to the ride, I can find Jack in all three locations (Eat at the Blue Bayou Café get the pork loin it’s delicious)
· My mother use to say I sounded like an elephant running up the stairs (not ninja-like and I think my husband would agree)
· My favorite literary character is Robin Hood who is essentially a pirate in trees.
· I was a pirate named Annabelle Lee in my high school play Still life with Iris. To prepare for this role I was instructed to study Errol Flynn.
· Muppet Treasure Island is the best Muppet movie… ever

· Since I have been with Ben I have helped him be a pirate for Halloween twice; me once… (though deep down, I think he is really a ninja)
· I am loud, crazy, and I “playfully” hit my husband when I am really excited (not his favorite)
· And finally… I saw Pirates of the Caribbean like seven times in the theater twice dressed in character.

Hansen family Pirate vs Ninja Breakdown

Ben- Ninja (he was raised on old martial arts movies)

Rileigh –Pirate (see above)

Jocelyn- Ninja (she is sneaky when she wants something and very quiet when she is doing something naughty)

Brooke- Pirate (she grunts)


Jeri said...

Yes! Jocelyn is a Ninja! I love this. I think we are all pirates except Wyatt....and now I say "Ninja's don't cry" and it makes him mad. =)

Jewels said...

I would say I am most certainly a pirate as well. I do tend to hit my husband playfully at times (which he also doesn't like.), I am in no way ladylike, and really enjoy a good "yo ho me hearties". Oh yeah, and we did create a Johnny Depp Day (who is now the poster boy for pirates. Not a bad poster I must say.)Remember which day it was? I do.

The NC Hansens said...

I love the bloopers clip. Hadn't seen it before and loved it! Jared = Ninja, Josh = Ninja, Isaac = Pirate, Serena = Ninja, Bella = Pirate, Tracy = depends on the day. Did I mention I loved the pirate blooper clip.

jamie hixon said...

Dan- Ninja (he's really quiet)
Jamie- PIRATE. I really loved directing Pirates of Penzance. Choreographing the pirates was a natural.
Asher- Pirate. He sings "Yo Ho" all the time
Gwen- TBD

jamie hixon said...

P.S. Let's not forget the Dread Pirate Roberts. Hotter and cooler (at the same time!) than any ninja I've ever heard of. Another reason to be a pirate.

SarahSunshine said...

You absolutely are a pirate! I have the pictures of you on State Street to prove it.

Unknown said...

Rileigh. you are rad. a rad pirate.
i was the thunder maker in that play... that's more piratey... lol...
i would say i am more pirate, because i have powers of persuasion. i don't think i could be trusted with a sword. and i like guns better anyways.
i have secretly wanted to be a pirate and sail around on a ship ... ooo and i LOVE rum. but that might be more of a Venezuelan thing. (we all like rum)
Toby would be a ninja i believe, because one, he says he is and two, he is stealthy and owns a samaurai sword he bought in japan.

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