I would love to say it was for the girls, but that would be a lie, It was for us, our children were merely props,
(but they didn't mind in the least).
Maggie made all the little notes that quoted Alice in Wonderland:
Curiouser and Curiouser
Where is your Muchness?
Eat Me
And shared with us her beautiful tea pot she got in Italy. (She has loads of beautiful things from Italy) She also provided the colorful lamps in the background from the dollar store and had little candies around the table.
Jeri made mini cupcakes and found hats so that our girls could dress up like all the characters. She raided her house and brought so many little treasures, cake stands, bunting, beautiful vases.
The tea sets were from Ikea (an early birthday present that Jocelyn will get in two months) The tissue Pom Poms were left over from Brooke's birthday and hung in our living room until the party started. I made the cookies and decorated our little vignette. It was so much fun collecting things that reminded us of the Mad Hatter and Alice. I decoupaged the clock with scrapbook paper (now it hangs in the girls room. And the bottles used to hold frightening pickled veggies until Jeri dumped them out and filled with colored water. The hydrangeas were gifted from a neighbor (aren't they delicious?) The felt white Rabbit is a beloved treasure made by my mother who also made the dresses that Brooke and Joce wore. (They were mine when I was little)
It was an honor to play dress up with these ladies.
Now, what’s next?
The quotes! So good! You are amazing, and we should throw more parties together. Beautiful pictures too!
I love it all. So magical. And I love that you admit it was for the moms and the girls enjoyed being props. :)
Rileigh, I cannot even begin to put into words how wonderful think you and this is. I wish I was a daughter of yours, these parties and activities are just amazing. I feel very blessed to have known you for those brief few years. You have made more of an impression than you know.
Wow! Your so cute!
The detail you all put into this is amazing!
I stumbled on your blog while looking up ideas for my Alice themed party and I just have to say this is amazing! You really did a wonderful job.
Oh my gosh, the Alice in Wonderland party is simply incredible! What a great job, and the photography is just breathtaking! I'm a big fan!
Oh, I love this party. My favorite part is your eclectic mix of chairs. Oh! And that first "Follow the Rabbit" photo. So charming and ethereal.
Love, love, love this party. Wait, did I already say that?
So happy you got to realize your dream.
such a special party - WOW!
Just thought I'd let you know that your image is being used by Ackland Photography to promote their own sessions. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=562453180463151&set=a.426724357369368.90618.328897810485357&type=1&theater
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