watched two beautiful young people join together for time and all eternity
ate my weight in chocolate covered macadamia nuts
was awed by Adam and Roxanne's finished gym
held Kaity's beautiful Lilikoi
read 375 pages of Twilight for the very first time
smelled the beach's salty air
flew 5471 miles with a toddler and a baby
kissed my 83year old grandpa on the cheek
laughed with old friends
played with family
ate my weight in chocolate covered macadamia nuts
was awed by Adam and Roxanne's finished gym
held Kaity's beautiful Lilikoi
read 375 pages of Twilight for the very first time
smelled the beach's salty air
flew 5471 miles with a toddler and a baby
kissed my 83year old grandpa on the cheek
laughed with old friends
played with family
it was bliss.
*Twilight update* finished New Moon and ordered the rest of the books online so that I would be forced to take care of my family and home the next few days. However I did find 264 pages of Edwards perspective of Twilight here. It is a new hopefully to be completed book by the author, (honestly I wish more authors would to this. Wouldn't we all love to know what Darcy was thinking the first time he saw Elizabeth?) If this is not you to you (It has been posted for more than a year.) Leave a comment I would love to know what you think!
LOVE your update! I was hoping to come on here and find one! :) I;m glad you had such a wonderful time! I talked with your mom for a few minutes today. I asked her if Joce was excited to see you, and she said she acted like your mom was an alien, but Brooklyn was loving on her! LOL kids are so funny! I am glad to hear that you are enjoying Twilight. I have read through the series a couple times. the second time Adam read with me. LOVE them. I am excited to hear what you think about New Moon. I think it is my favorite one of them all! :)
Firstly, I'm still jealous that you went back to SB.
Where was the reception?
Secondly, I have read the online non-completed version of Midnight Sun and I loved it. It helps make a little bit more sense out of some of Edward's reactions. I really hope she finishes it, despite the bad associations she has with writing it now.
I think she will, she is just waiting until all the drama dies down and she can keep moving forward. I would love for her to do it for New Moon too. So we could know what Edward was doing while he was gone.
It was so satisfying to know why Edward was interested in Bella and why the other Vampires were supportive. I also really liked it when we got to see him hunt and to know that that bad guy got his come-upins.
Oh the reception was at the Mitchell's new house in Hope Ranch
Oh... that is news. I had no clue the Mitchell's moved. I haven't been gone that long!!
It would be cool to read everything from Edward's perspective. It is much more interesting and romantic. And less annoying.
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