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Thursday, October 2, 2008

I Miss Ben

He isn't out of town, just working like a mad man trying to finish his Job-Market paper in the next 3 weeks. He gets up at 6 am and goes to work until 6pm. Eats dinner watches two episodes of Arrested Development with me on the couch and then goes back to the office until the 12am.
I am so proud of him working so hard. I am so lucky I married him and get to be his wife for time and all eternity. He is a kind a loving husband and father who always puts other people ahead of himself... Plus he is really Hot!

Here are some pictures from our wedding to prove it.

It was a good day


Katie said...

Ah, so it's not just us! It seems the only time I see Jack these days is when we're passing in the hall to say, "Good morning," "Thanks for dinner," and "Good night." (I'm certain that one of these days it will be, "When did the kids get so big??")

BEAUTIFUL wedding shots!

Amanda said...

I thought I'd get to see Tyler a lot more after we were done with school, but it's not really so. Such is life, I guess.

Tim Halberg said...

LOVE the umbrella!!

that's super sweet that you appreciate how hard he works for you!

Cheryl said...

Your right about the pics, he looks good, but think I'd say that your the hot one! ;)

Oh, yeah, nice layout! I love autumn!

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