It is a happy Friday.
Things are still crazy, BUT we I am dealing with it so much better.
People come four times a day at different times to look at the house
I stay home cooking, cleaning, getting into the shower.
Gratefully I heard the "hello"? downstairs before I actually got in. :)
That would have been embarrassing.
the girls are happily running around like little chickens
Jocelyn gives better tours then the Realtors
Pointing out every mark that needs to be patched or painted on the walls,
and only announced that she was naked once.
This weekend will be full of packing, swimming, and maybe a little drive in movie.
Next week a truck will arrive to take our things back to the other side of the country.
For two weeks we will stay with our favorite people, sans the people but plus their dog, and play as much as we can, see all the spots in DC we always wanted too but never did, and maybe throw a little party for a little princess who will soon be three.
"Bremember my special day? My Seeping Beauty Happy Birthday Cake?"
I remember little bug... we need to wait"
(our daily dialog)
I got plans for you kid, and their is a 75% chance I just might pull it off
100% chance my dear, 100% chance! She will love every detail. Then your daily dialog will be about how great her princess party WAS!
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